“Envious MP dynamited pig farm latrine”

GhanaWeb, one of the world’s leading portals, reports that Kofi Azogba, Samuel Auyah, Sovey Awyah, alias stone, George Boateng and GK Dzamesi all executive members of the Pig Breeders Association of Pig Farm … [believe that] an agent of the MP [for Ayawaso Central] must have planted a dynamite or an explosive material in the…

What’s he on?

Kofi Abrampah was born in Ghana and studied molecular science at Rhode Island College, from which school he subsequently obtained his doctorate. He is currently employed by Amersham as a nuclear pharmacist which, according to Africa’s finest portal, GhanaWeb, means that “he compounds and prepares radio pharmaceutics (radioactive drugs).” So what do you think he…

Brewery produces BSE-resistant cow

Says the FT: Kirin Brewery of Japan on Monday said it had genetically engineered a cow that was immune to bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in a joint project with Hematech, a US biotechnology company. Bet it still won’t be able to walk straight.