Max Weber is apparently alive, well, and recycling his thoughts on social stratification as differentiated market pitches for Ming Pao: Ming Pao in Hong Kong – the most influential Chinese newspaper in Hong Kong Ming Pao in Canada – the most read chinese newspaper in Vancouver and Toronto Ming Pao in New York – the…
Dean Takahashi has a lovely little piece on Charles Walton, the man ultimately behind the technology being used at Baja Beach Club here in Barcelona to bill drinks wirelessly. Radio frequency identification (RFID) initially lost out to the barcode and his invention was also turned down by General Motors, which viewed it as too ”Buck…
Qov, who has just commented an old post, appeared in the documentary called Earthlings: Ugly Bags of Mostly Water and writes a blog, bo logh, in Klingon, which is most admirable. (Are there more blogs in Klingon than Welsh?) Anyone got video of TV3 news on Saturday? Apparently my choir were on it.
Stalin apologist Rafael Poch has published an article in La Vanguardia which belittles, falsifies, misrepresents the Normandy landings. That’s a common line here, where quite large numbers of people still believe that Stalin (substitute Mao, Pol Pot, Castro, Companys etc as you will) was a benevolent (although misunderstood) genius. All’s quiet on the domestic front…
Barcelona’s Forum will resort to anything now to get anyone, anywhere to take an interest, so yesterday a bunch of children who are being held for commercial purposes by the organisation were made to release two sea turtles into the Med. Cute, except that this section of the coastal waters is so full of junk…
A brief text paste from the front page of an automatically compiled spam portal for Las Vegas: Home Quest Las Vegas – Your home for Las Vega… Find your new home in the beautiful Las Vegas Valley! – guided walking trips in… Guided walking trips to pleasant and peaceful locations in the countryside…
Glad to see that separatist Catalanist, Ernest Binatch (sic), will be leading a Catalan parliamentary delegation to Morocco next week. Le Matin’s source informs us that “the delegation will pay visits to the areas of Fès, Meknès and Casablanca, during which they will meet the presidents and the walis of these areas.” Since the trip…
Polifònica Industrial, the choir of which I am apparently director, is singing and prancing around at the Marató de l’Espectacle at the Mercat de les Flors at 22:25, tonight, Friday. We are going to perform a mild parody of some West African light music with a text in favour of the commercialisation of popular beverages.…
Paddling its little coracles to the farthest reaches of the sea of confusion (mind the serpent!), the Language Log tribe is muttering obscure acronyms which it believes will help us understand web searching better. Too late, for “the most excellent (and only) glossary of the Stammtisch Beau Fleuve” has spoken: ghits: Google HITS. An accepted…
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