Plan crash

There’s a good opinion piece by Rainer Soller over at Deutsche Welle on the extradition to Turkey of Muslim extremist Metin Kaplan on terrorism charges. This para in particular caught my eye:

Kaplan on Wednesday already appeared before a judge in Istanbul to face treason charges over his alleged involvement in a 1998 failed attempt to crash a plan into the mausoleum of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the founder of the modern, secular Turkish state.

Since planning and monuments were to Atatürk much as sophisticated industry and skyscrapers are to the US, crashing a series of architects’ drawings (or government spending proposals for the year ahead) into his resting place does not seem as completely surreal to me as it may do to you and almost undoubtedly would to Mr Kaplan.

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Last updated 13/10/2004

This post pre-dates my organ-grinding days, and may be imported from elsewhere.
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