More pussy pics

Despite the fact my language of choice is that of a far better empire, Kaleboel comes in at no 839 on the list of “more than 10,000” participants in la blogosfera hispana, as calculated by The infinitely superior Puerta del Sol–also in English–is down at 843, presumably because Jonathan doesn’t include as many pictures…

Plan crash

There’s a good opinion piece by Rainer Soller over at Deutsche Welle on the extradition to Turkey of Muslim extremist Metin Kaplan on terrorism charges. This para in particular caught my eye: Kaplan on Wednesday already appeared before a judge in Istanbul to face treason charges over his alleged involvement in a 1998 failed attempt…

Darfur … what?

OK, The Onion is not always a killer, but this is not at all bad: U.N. To Look For Genocide In Darfur“So this might have been a genocide after all, and not a civil war in which only one side was fighting.”—Harold Mercer, Systems Analyst