Middle-aged bartendress on the edge of an old industrial suburb of Barcelona.
– Another reason we need a new statue of anatomy is so I can have a fruit machine.
– Explain.
– Back in the 60s it was different–women stayed at home and had children–but when my sister got married she wanted to be different, so she just had one son and now she’s always out drinking with her friends while I’ve been my whole life looking after my five children and working in the bar.
– That’s terrible. And the fruit machine?
– She plays the machines as well, and if I have one, she’ll be in here all day, playing and drinking.
– You could have the machines outside, one chained to each tree, fruit machines with real cherries…
– You crazy? Then she’d never go away.
– I’m just curious as to how the new statute will help.
– The machines will all have to be in Catalan, and she hates it.
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