Grammatical mischief

The sublime Grammar Cop@Banterist (now at LS) has been on patrol at Coney Island. Ignatius J Reilly would be proud of him.


The state-sponsored Mediterranean Social Forum “demonstration” for “a conflict-free, peaceful Mediterranean” began with a huge punch-up between the Moroccans and the Saharouis, so I was reasonably optimistic that one of the post-march bands, Les Boukakes, would indeed stage a “sexual scene where many men masturbate on and give a ‘semen bath’ to a willing submissive”…

Tuesday June 21, 19:00, CCCB

Be there (ie Presentació Pública) or be something objectionable. Unfortunately I have a prior engagement with a spider.


Joan Barril suggests making orthography subject to the weather as one more means of diverting attention from the fact that most people can’t get the accents right in the simplest of Catalan. Erik Dams touches a related theme–writing implements designed to operate under meteorological conditions unsuited to their users–and Wim de Bie reports–one shouldn’t necessarily…

German humour

kalebeul’s favourite Marksist notes that a German comic is raising laughs in Britain. No hope of that here: in the course of a post claiming that customer service in Barcelona is worse even than in Rio de Janeiro, Sarita mentions the poster campaign for budget flyers, Germanwings: Germanwings. Vuelos a Alemania desde 19 euros. No…

Depp Throat

More revelations re the pharmaco-entertainment complex @ Arcadi Espada: “Más de treinta años hablando de Depp Throat.”

Men in frocks

I’m right there (well, kind of) with Jordi Orwell, David Millán, and (really!) Francesc Ferrer on (sorry, against) the “Save the Family From Men in Frocks” demo. I can understand why the PP is promoting this ridiculous enterprise: they lost the last elections because they supported liberty abroad and have come to the natural but…

Realistic body parts to practise on

If you’re into the whole Borghild thing (and Wikipedia isn’t yet), then you really should try the surgical & secondary care products of Limbs & Things.

German lords on the Ottoman periphery

Istòria de Jacob Xalabín is a 15th century historical romance written in Catalan (or translated into that language) that recounts the adventures in the period 1387-9 of Jacob, son and heir of Sultan Murat I, and his death at the hands of his bastard brother, Beseyt, during the Battle of Kosovo, in which Murat also…

Knights of the Holy Ghost

If you thought Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa was unlucky, try Pedro Fernandez De Quirós, who didn’t discover Australia and thus wasn’t an Afghan Muslim. Fortunately he was nuts.