Luis d’Antin van Rooten in Mots d’Heures: Gousses, Rames: Chacun Gille Houer ne taupe de hile Tôt-fait, j’appelle au boiteur Chaque fêle dans un broc est-ce crosne? Un Gille qu’aime tant berline à fetard. Annotations (under Spoof Spelling.
It had to come (seen @ Eye of the Goof). Blogging depresses me roughly to the same extent and for the same reasons that opening my mouth does, but its pros still outweigh its cons, not least because it has helped me over the past couple of years to learn to read and write Spanish…
The other night at a leather parade (lots of parading, not much leather) I got talking to an English-Catalan literary translator. I rambled on to him a bit about my frustration that so much original and translated fiction set in varied geographical and social milieux reduces common dialects and sociolects to the politically correct standard…
The Catalan-Valencian-Balearic dictionary helpfully gives Spanish equivalents: RESSALAR v. tr. Tornar salar; salar excessivament; cast. resalar. … that sometimes haven’t yet made it into the Royal Spanish Academy dictionary, either in the standard or the extended meaning–by analogy with “over-salted”, resalado/a is used familiarly for someone who is doubly delightful, gorgeous, and appears as such…
In line with Popbitch‘s punderful headline, “Does my bomb look big in this?”, the irrepressible Bina Shah has concluded that the only sensible riposte to the disasters afflicting us is to go shopping. She also compares the US to a giant cockroach. I think it’s less Kafka than kompliment, and that she’d have joined the…
Apparently is in the 1st edition of Frommer’s Barcelona guide. If it’s not a right old slagging, then I probably owe someone a drink, collection here. I may be in other guides for all I know, but as a guide I feel slightly guilty reading the things.
Pere at Saragatona has photographed a building with two texts carved on its front, the first of which reads, CHARITY ENNOBLES LABOUR DIGNIFIES Graffiti in Barcelona’s Sans/Sants district expresses a different point of view: Labour doesn’t dignify, fire does I can’t remember which (piss-)artist it was who said that if Madrid’s Prado museum were burning…
Silmarillion’s got a post over at Après moi, la déluge about tinkers and Jenisch and … quinquis. Here the following perfectly reasonable explanation of “kinky” is given: Kink, nautical term, from Du. kink “twist in a rope” (also found in Fr. and Swed.), probably related to O.N. kika “to bend at the knee” (see kick).…
If the sentence “Volunteers must not engage in any other activities whatsoever” does actually mean a cessation of drug dealing, beatings and other criminal activity, then the IRA have scored today’s big news. However there are still plenty of bad people in the world. Pedalling along this afternoon, on my way to see hear fellow-biker…
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