Evil neo-liberal consumers threaten the book trade

“Fixed book prices are sacrosanct for this government,” said (via David Millán) socialist minister of culture, Carmen Calvo, after a meeting with booksellers, who are pissed off about discounts offered by larger, more efficient operators under legislation introduced by the previous government. Lots of subsidy for the industry gets laundered through the education system, but,…

Translators & interpreters demo

Pictures here of a demonstration yesterday by translators and interpreters against crook Joan Fernando Valls Fusté. Catalan translator Tina Vallès posts info noting that Valls Fusté has run up large debts with translators working for him since he started his translation business, Traducciones Maremagnum MTM, in 1999. He’s playing the old game of denying that…

Whys & wherefores

Livingstone doesn’t travel well, but I thought this was really good. Galloway is deranged and has no place in London, but even he doesn’t go as far as the charming anti-whateverist who told me last night that, in her carefully considered opinion, 9/11 would never have happened had it not been for the invasion of…