Translators & interpreters demo

Pictures here of a demonstration yesterday by translators and interpreters against crook Joan Fernando Valls Fusté. Catalan translator Tina Vallès posts info noting that Valls Fusté has run up large debts with translators working for him since he started his translation business, Traducciones Maremagnum MTM, in 1999. He’s playing the old game of denying that any contractual relationship existed with his employees, but in his struggle to avoid liability he’s also doing innovative stuff like splitting himself into two personalities–Joan Valls and Fernando Fusté–and claiming that books were translated without the intervention of translators. This is apparently the first collective action of its kind in Barcelona, but I’m sure it won’t be the last: clients here tend to focus on speed and price (0.04€/word is typical) and payment problems are frequent. (If you want a laugh, Desbladet stylee, check out the English site of the regional government, the Generalitat, which traditionally doles out contracts to friends and family, and bugger the results.)

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  1. Warning! Freelancers and people who want to work with traduccionesliterarias (or eventual future other agencies under other names but with the same phone numbers 699473684 or 902151271 or mail or Maremagnum group, MTM, and be careful about contacts from Carlos Cano, Fernando Fuste, Joan Valls, Fernando Fusté, Ana Torres and much more….): they are profesional scammers since many years! For any questions I am available to give all the details and evidences.

    Marzia Mizzon

  2. I don’t do very much translation, and hardly any for Spanish businesses, so I’ve had very few problems of that nature, but they’re a bummer. My last unpleasant experience was a few months ago with this gent, who was full of compliments but then just couldn’t seem to get round to paying … until a negative web review was posted. Sounds like your folks are made of sterner stuff. Good luck!

  3. Had problems with them too: add “Juan Chover” to the list of names to keep away from!

  4. Seeking people disposed to go and (not metaphirically)
    break their legs and neck.

  5. Hello! Have any of you had problems whith MTM, Global School Emtiem, grupo universal, etc. lately? If so, could you please tell me if you have claimed your rights? Thanks

  6. Hola, gente!
    Habeis interpuesto denuncia o demanda contra ellos? Si no lo habeis hecho, ¿Pensais hacerlo?

  7. Siento comunicaros que Traducciones Maremagnum MTM, han abierto una academia de idiomas en Hospitalet. Los profesores reciben trasferencias de Traducciones Maremagnum MTM y aunque el director no da apellidos, se hace llamar «Joan». Mucho me temo que han vuelto a la carga.
    Por si a alguien le sirve de algo la información se trata de:
    Catalonia Idiomes
    Ctra. de Collblanc 33-35 principal dreta
    08904 Hospitalet

  8. Es que si los profesionales de la traduccion no se unen, poco hay que se pueda hacer.. el caso se llevaba en Sabadell, por los mossos de escuadra.
    Me informé del tema, de primera mano. Resulta que si no hay denuncias no pueden hacer nada….
    Y me pregunto si los traductores estafados estan respaldados por alguna asociación, o están más solos que la una en este asunto…. es muy triste…

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