Jayne’s got a photo here, and here’s an old joke which is told in Spain and probably in other places too:
The next evening the horse is no better, so the vet comes over again and says, “Keep him on the tablets, but this ain’t looking good.” When they’ve gone the pig says, “Look, I’m warning you. Get out now or they’ll turn you into dog food.” The horse acts like he’s asleep. Dumbo.
The next afternoon the farmer comes and looks at the horse, and then paces up and down the yard for half an hour. Then he goes in to call the vet. The pig says to the horse, “This is your last chance. Come on, get up and we’ll get you out of here.” The horse gives him a long stare, stands up and walks out into the yard. The farmer is delighted and calls the vet: “Hey, those pills worked. Bring over some beers and let’s kill the pig.”
Don’t spend too long worrying about the moral.
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