Free walk!

This Sunday, from Barcelona to Bellaterra. Check the blog front page.

Catalan tow-truck business defrauding Dutch tourists

The ANWB, the Dutch equivalent of British organisations like the RAC and the AA, says it has received a number of complaints concerning Mon & Ros in Cunit. Apparently they get breakdowns to sign a contract without specifying details and then present them with massive bills. If they refuse to pay, Mon & Ros keep…

Lambrusco in Spain

Xavier Domingo writes in La cocina española antes del descubrimiento in Cultura, identidad y cocina en el Perú (1996) that Augustus Caesar signed protectionist decrees prohibiting the planting of new vines in his Spanish provinces of Tarraconensis and Lusitania, where the import of Italian wines was encouraged, permitting it only in Baetica, and even encouraging…

Invasion of the Ummos

“It is really too much that the first document preserved for galactic posterity turned out to be some pages of the French newspaper Le Figaro used as toilet paper by a peasant.” Isn’t it time for a revival?

Lego porn

Barcelona’s also the home of a Lego mini-studio, but I don’t think they’re working with this guy.

He that regardeth the clouds shall not reap

I doubt even a Barcelona judge would find against a cyclist for hitting a guy who stepped off the pavement backwards while talking on his mobile and gazing at the sky, but he can sue if he wants.