Mel Gibson and the Irish mission

The otherwise excellent Margaret Marks has ruined a peaceful Saturday afternoon by pointing out that St Columba was, apart from the first person to meet the Loch Ness monster, also on the wrong side of the first copyright case–or so says the Catholic Herald. Columcille copied a Jeromian psalter belonging to Finnian, King Diarmit made…

More Francophone condemnations of the US

Abdou Diouf, “Secretary-General of la Francophonie and former President of Senegal”, responding to Chirac in the former organisation’s first meeting outside France, in a Ceausescu palace in Bucharest: the notion of culture from a US standpoint is understood to mean entertainment rather than the expression of peoples’ souls and identities. I’ve read quite a lot…

Link sync

Excellent to see John Chappell back in action. If he fixes the page-top link, I’ll renew the licence on the tag.

Old Congolese joke

I’ve been translating quite a lot of elderly Flemish over the past few months. Here’s an excerpt from some manuscript memoirs found in the municipal archives of Ditverstaanzetochniet: An ivory trader on the Congo River has been suffering severe depression as a result of harrassment by an inquisitive steamboat captain speaking defective French. He decides…


Google is sponsoring JA Millán’s blog. They probably pay more than the CIA. Time for a rethink. best autumn season yet

This autumn’s public walks feature barnyard comestibles as well as the customary tarantulas and bagpipes. Private requests are becoming increasingly obscure and bizarre, but I’m just fine, mum.

Vic marketing

Dear City of Vic, I’m sure you’re serious about Europorc–I certainly am–but no one would guess so from the English translation of the convention site. (Vic has more problems of this type.)

Tranny Franco

The Dutch cartoonist LJ Jordaan seems to have enjoyed portraying Francisco Franco as a woman. Here he is receiving US aid from Eisenhower in parody of the Dutch tradition of Santa Claus being a Spanish bishop who arrives on a steamboat, and here Don Juan (de Borbón) seeks to win him (in German translation of…