TRANQIL·LITAT → TRANQUIL·LITAT, actually TRANQUILITAT. I suspect the Italians. “What’s this, then? ‘Romanes Eunt Domus’? ‘People called Romanes they go the house’?“
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TRANQIL·LITAT → TRANQUIL·LITAT, actually TRANQUILITAT. I suspect the Italians. “What’s this, then? ‘Romanes Eunt Domus’? ‘People called Romanes they go the house’?“
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That ones definitely not mine.
Best anarchist grafitti ever, passeig de Maragall ambulatorio:
Soc una nacio, i tinc el dret de decidir.
The correct normalised form is tranquil·litat. Tranquilitat is a Castellanism.
I need to have a word with the neighbourhood oracle, who told me the opposite. Honest.