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Blurb for show we went to by mistake yesterday at L’Antic Teatre:

The creation of the spectacle “Madamas Butterflys” takes as a point of item the Puccini’s opera, but not to recreate it but to penetrate into the behaviors that they lead to a spiritual death and its posterior renaissance. ” Madamas Butterflys ” it wants to be an experience of risk realized with faith and love, that it connects with the feminine essence to know her and to accept it without trying to please, to demonstrate, to satisfy to ask for approval, where the mistakes are analyzed of a subtle way and lacking that have been transmitted from generation to generation. An old form of life dies and one is born new.

More accurate description:

Fit Bulgarian woman takes off her clothes and wallows around in eggs, milk, rice and flour, to the accompaniment of highlights from Madame Butterfly and the odd bit of shouting.

I opined politely that it was generically similar to the Marcus Roberts tosspot version of Gershwin’s Rhapsody. The girlfriend got cross and said, “You fancied her.” Bagdad (Barcelona’s most famous strip-joint), eat your heart out. Definitely one for the excellent Looby, whose domain unfortunately seems to have died. Next show is the 30th.

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