Estacions fantasmes del metro de Barcelona (via Dani@Altres Barcelones) has got some great contemporary photos, digital reconstructions and historical material.
The one thing I find curious is that, as with lots of Spanish websites, sourcing is vague and intellectual property appear not to be an issue. While one part of the Spanish blogosphere suffers periodic attacks of outrage at plagiarism in the traditional media, another more substantial part devotes considerable energies to reproducing copyright material without permission. Conflict with law and practice is quite normal in Spain, but I still find it curious.
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I think this plagiarism thing is pretty standard online. A lot of people seem to believe that once published, content becomes public domain. Not true, of course, but this feeling is most certainly not an oddity of Spanish bloggers.
Hello. I’m sorry, my english it’s not very good, Sólo queria decir quue al principio del post cito cual es la fuente de información. Si no entienden mi idioma, la web es traducible al castellano, inglés, francés y aleman.
Por cierto. Mi propio material se puede distruibuir libremente bajo la licencia copyleft, no creo estar cometiendo ninguna ilegalidad, si quieren mas información, pueden asesorarse en
Fins aviat!