One of Spain’s greatest 20th century plagiarists intertextualisers was the novelist Valle-Inclán. His gypsies are substantially borrowed from George of that name, but as far as I know it is only in the following passage from La corte de los milagros, a novel set in the period when Borrow was in Spain, that he refers…
Hotel Medium Confort on Travesera de Gracia, Barcelona has a little display device on the reception counter which tells you in several languages where you are, the time, and tomorrow’s weather. Last night the mixed Spanish/Catalan version was forecasting “soleado”, while the English version had it at “cloudy”. Predicted temperature and air pressure were identical.
Off tomorrow midnight to Sitges to see this unusual item: … with the gents who made this rather special thing: Funding is now being sought for a Pushtu-Yankee zombie epic that will change the course of the Afghan War. Contacts via the usual channels. As literary motif Zé do Caixão/Coffin Joe is a preincarnation of…
Whoever wrote for them back them believed in providing kicks for his/her bucks: At daybreak in Huelva a sleepy police man named Joaquin Segovia was stopped by two cars, asked the way to Portugal. Officer Segovia raised his rifle. Without more ado General Sanjurjo hopped out of the first car, shook the policeman by the…
An extreme nationalist Basque group, ANV, was recently banned for being the latest in a succession of ETA front organisations. In Navarre their political representation promote Anschluss with the Basque Country proper, and in a small town called Villava their councillors hung the Basque flag (representing the race, the feudal laws, and the Catholic faith)…
Four-times champion Manuel Rivas has been disqualified from the Spanish championships for refusing to submit to random testing. Is my poor record in my favourite neon night bar due to my drinking beer while my opponents snort Columbian yam extract? Or is it that damn talent thing again?
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