The Spanish media and Madoff’s Jewishness

I looked a while back at allegations of a Spanish media obsession with Israel and concluded that they were without basis in fact. Someone of similar political views to the reactionary squatter hooligan leader, Joan Txàpal, said to me last night that the Spanish press would be all over Bernie Madoff’s Jewishness. The numbers at this moment on Google Nudes:

Maybe the ratios will change when the opinion mills get to work. Maybe, too, Spanish media ignorance of Wall Street plays a role, although I think not–Spanish agency reports tend to be ripped off from American ones. At the moment it looks like just another red herring.


  • (madoff + judio) = 101
  • (madoff + jew) = 340
  • (madoff + jewish = 338

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  1. I wouldn’t rely on Chappell’s analysis: he didn’t even mention the US election results (he was backing Giuliani, last I heard).

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