Two elderly ladies have just met for the first time and are sounding each other out: A: My dog is so intelligent it stands by the door and woofs whenever it wants to go out and have a poo. B: My cat is so intelligent it comes in at five o’clock in the morning and…
I think the laugh/laughter thing is probably quite a hard mistake for non-natives to spot. I am consciously aware of about as much grammar as is your dog’s posterior end, so don’t ask me to explain why it’s wrong. (From CaixaForum’s exhibition.)
I’m pretty sure the balconies of the building opposite have aluminosis, a structural weakness arising from the irresponsible use of aluminous cement in situations exposed to high temperatures and low humidity (see eg the trials of Mr Harvey). The Barcelona area has suffered particularly from building collapses caused by this. I have tried to be…
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