Congolese children singing the anthem of Athletic

Some corner of a foreign football pitch that is for ever Bilbao, and I hope they got fed afterwards:

The original strikes me as thoroughly Teutonic:

Let’s not kid ourselves any longer: everything interesting, from nachos to nationalism, was invented by the Germans. Fortunately they tend to be generous about using the proceeds to mitigate the resulting damage.

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  1. My condolences.
    At least you enjoyed it when the crowd booed the national anthem, didn’t you? It was pretty anti-nationatialistic.

  2. Nationatialistic, is that an Olympic swimming competition?

    I rather liked the banner among the Bilbao fans – No Surrender on a flag of St George. Now where have I seen that before? And why would ETA sympathisers have one?

  3. Es porque los del Athletic son unos gilipollas subnormales. Todo el mundo aparte de ellos sabe que la no surrender es de los Glasgow Rangers y que la ikurriña es de los del Celtic y no hay que mezclarlos. Hace falta sangre extranjera en la afición como en el Barça porque así se están quedando mentalmente retrasados y nunca van a ganar nada.

  4. [Explanatory note: In a reflection of the racist derivation of Basque nationalism, Athletic de Bilbao only signs locally born players. As a result the team never wins anything, quite extraordinary for a city of the size and wealth of Bilbao.]

  5. Surrender is the name of an Athletic player, you fool!! That flag was to remind Bilbao’s coach to keep him on the bench, as he is basically useless.

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