Studiolum over at the excellent Poemas del río Wang has dug up a German-Russian lexicon, published in 1942 by Mittler & Sohn for use by Germany’s armed forces, which introduces itself thus: The war has demonstrated the simplicity of the means with which the German soldier can make himself understood anywhere. The correct words, juxtaposed…
Colin has contributed two classics of Galician cuisine, “Mussels to the seaman’s blouse” and “Fondle of tit cheese”, and another kind person has read the great industrial designer Raymond Loewy’s thoroughly entertaining memoir, Never leave well enough alone, and sent in the lunch menu of the Havana café bartended by Constantí Ribalaigua, the Catalan who…
Programmes are rarely distributed at bullfights, and are never translated into English. There is an excellent reason for this, recounted over at La Aldea del Tauro in an interesting piece on the Taurine Bibliophiles of America (via Salmonetes no nos quedan): It’s said that while negotiating with Cagancho the possibility of him filming a movie…
I bought myself my wodge of Catalan bonds, which as Barcepundit comments is a pyramid scheme sending good money in pursuit of bad, with the difference that the tab for my gains will ultimately be financed by those without the means to participate. Thanks, poor people, for helping me out this autumn.
Because of the fame of the gardens of the Villa d’Este [at Tivoli] (and of their namesake in Paris), the name has also been applied to other entities: … A stand at the Millmoor stadium in Rotherham.
Accountability is the ostensible reason why this blog is generally about institutions rather than individuals – public and private mass service providers take on liabilities that a lonely blogger as a whole does not. However below this do-gooding sheen lurks cowardice, because the local council is much less likely to come after you with an…
Moving house, so orders may take longer until mid-February - mail me first if in doubt. Shop deliveries free on foot in Leeds LS1-8 & LS13. Dismiss