Summary for lazy sods:
- June 2010: Kepa Elortza’s GP refers him for a colonoscopy.
- Despite speaking excellent Spanish, he refuses treatment in his local hospital in Mondragón unless he can receive it in Basque.
- November 2010: Time rolls on and he’s offered a Basque-speaking specialist in Vitoria but insists on his right not to travel.
- April 2011: He agrees to inspection by a Spanish-speaking specialist in Mondragón … on condition that an interpreter is provided. So the session takes place by conference call with an interpreter, who he constantly corrects.
- How come immigrants get interpreters and we don’t, he asks, threatening a hunger strike.
Even assuming some new consensus can be achieved between eurozone states, with medieval fuckwits like that running round in substantial numbers I struggle to see how Spain and a number of others will be able to achieve the same internally.
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This gentleman reminds me of “Don Erre que erre” (, the quintaessential Spanish diehard that has to do his will “por cojones”.
Basque and Catalan nationalists, it seems, are more Spanish when they try not to be Spanish at all.
And the Catalan Generality would prefer patients to die than ambulance drivers to speak Spanish: