El nombre de la bestia

En el mercado de abastos: – Ese queso, ¿es de León? – No, de oveja. En el zoológico: – Disculpe, ¿dónde está el gorila albino? – Lo siento, la cocina está cerrada. Simple things, simple minds.

Festina’s Lotus range: watches for people too stupid to need them

We are too smart to buy this crap off Festina, because we happen to know that according to Maya prophecy on December 21 2012 we will be so smoothly and swimmingly plugged into the Earth’s electromagnetic battery that all our timepieces will explode and we’ll need to buy new ones. Neither the copywriter, nor the…

EFE: Obesity tripled in twelve months

Malaprensa explains how the publicly-funded news agency converted Eurostat highest and lowest obesity percentages for EU member states for the year 2008/9 into year-on-year growth figures for the EU as a whole, and how the fatherland’s press repeated this unquestioningly. Pay a translator and avoid being stamped as incompetent and ending up on the street…