Month: November 2011
Si su hermana hubiera querido, ya estaría libre Miguel Francisco Montes Neiro
Si indultar banqueros es de izquierdas, ¿quién les queda a los piratas?
Festina’s Lotus range: watches for people too stupid to need them
56K pre-1600 ghits for inauthor:”Desiderius Erasmus” on Google Books
That’s a pretty big WTF.
With Spain about to call in the IMF, the spectre of Cain on Abel returns
We’ve had quite enough of this Civil War jaw-jaw.
If Merkel complains about how much TV3 costs, ask her about Bavaria
The television arm of Bayerische Rundfunk inflicts roughly the same relative damage on regional GDP as its Catalan cousin.
Springfield school bus-driver alive and well and eating bits of dead animals in Huesca
EFE: Obesity tripled in twelve months
Una iglesia llamada ajo
Can an independent trade union survive in Spain?
Or do they all live off the state in order to live at all? This re the emergence of an independent domestic workers union in Barcelona, Sindihogar.