Turkish-English machine translation

Over at TottenhamNews.org, via Improbable Research, which cites some choice samples. Curiously, while the registrant’s address is said to be just round the corner from Ankara’s gloriously Martian Altınpark, the phone number is Dutch, and the only Turkish news that I’ve ever heard come out of Tottenham, north London, is of this planet’s most splendid…

Of nations and deficits

Excellent interview with someone from the CSIC with the promising name of Ángel de la Fuente. The news focus here is on set-piece declarations rather than combative cross-questioning, but that doesn’t mean that everyone is a primeval halfwit.

Diputación de Málaga wastes €20,000 subsidising a badly translated school textbook

Lars Bjørn Hanssen > Diario Sur (> Teresa Aguilar > Carlos Ferrero): The Diputación de Málaga gave €20,000 to help Loving Books publish an Atlas ilustrado de la provincia de Málaga; Alejandro Villén Real at Loving Books gave very little of that to an apparently unemployed receptionist for the English translation; no quality control was…

Capilla ardiente -> Chapel burning

Via Charles Butler, fresh from laying flowers on the graves of southern Occitan economists, and slightly less fresh from whatever he does every autumn with large volumes of olives: The ex-archbishop of Barcelona, Ricard Maria Carles, has gone to translation hell, despite, as far as we know, not having done anything awful to the lambikins…