MG posted this C15th verse the other day, and D suggested but didn’t provide music:
Bring us in good ale, and bring us in good ale,
Fore our blessed Lady sak, bring us in good ale.Bring us in no browne bred, for that is made of brane;
Nor bring us in no whit bred, for therein is no game:
But bring us in good ale. 5Bring us in no befe, for ther is many bones;
But bring us in good ale, for that goth downe at ones,
And bring us in good ale.Bring us in no bacon, for that is passing fat;
But bring us in good ale, and give us inought of that, 10
And bring us in good ale.Bring us in no mutton, for that is ofte lene;
Nor bring us in no tripes, for they be seldom clene:
But bring us in good ale.Bring us in no egges, for there ar many shelles; 15
But bring us in good ale, and give us nothing elles,
And bring us in good ale.Bring us in no butter, for therein ar many heres;
Nor bring us in no pigges flesh, for that will mak us bores:
But bring us in good ale. 20Bring us in no podinges, for therein is all gotes blod;
Nor bring us in no venison, for that is not for our good:
But bring us in good ale.Bring us in no capon’s flesh, for that is ofte der;
Nor bring us in no dokes flesh, for they slobber in the mer: 25
But bring us in good ale.4 game: some editors emend to gane = gain
7 ones: once
18 heres: hairs
19 bores: boars
21 podinges: puddings
21 gotes: goats’
25 dokes: ducks’
25 slobber: “To feed in a slabbering or slovenly manner” (OED)
25 mer: lake, pond, pool
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