Lenox, who has been discussing the role (roll-on, roll-off?) of Google Translate in quality public service provision, has passed along this little gem from the wider reaches of linguistic dilettantism – Colombia, where 1,221 medals were cast for the World Games without wasting precious time on letter-checking: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=itMv6sW-STk Lost Letters Departments have of course swept…
Michael Gilleland < Christoph Irmscher < Longfellow: The difficulty of translation lies chiefly in the color of words. Is the Italian “Ruscelletto gorgoglioso” fully rendered by “Gurgling brooklet”? Or the Spanish “Pájaros vocingleros” by “Garrulous birds”? Something seems wanting. Perhaps it is only the fascination of foreign and unfamiliar sounds; and to the Italian or…
Check out Chordi (= Jordi: we use the same trick in English, where Geordieland sometimes -> Chordieland), and the continuing attacks on non-nationalists.
El asesino en serie, entre cuyas víctimas fueron tal vez los hermanos Badía, desapareció de la versión catalanista del Valle de los Caídos (“sacrificats per la llibertat de Catalunya”) hace unos años, pero le han pegado de nuevo en su columna, al parecer con caca. Es fácil entrar en el sitio desde arriba, y me…
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