Re mine and his, it’s because Barcelonia is a common, though minor and generally foreign (but not French?), spelling of Barcelona, now fallen into disusual. E.g.g.: The Kinges Commission for the Imbarment of All English Ships. [Translated from the Spanish.] (At Barcelonia, 29 May [1585].). Horatii Tursellini, Historiarum ab origine usque ad annum 1598 (1653),…
“Valero Sanmartí”, afaik the only satirist writing in Catalan, and not to be confused with Tom Selleck, tries his hand at barbarisms: S’ha acabat, nois. La moda hispter ha abastat el seu zènit i enfila una davallada a marxes forçades. Fa un parell d’anys que la gent ja parla d’ells amb un menyspreu que poc…
Clemente Polo has blogged a short book containing what feel like author-translated essays by him and four other anti-secessionists, José Luis Feito, Ángel de la Fuente, Guillem López Casanovas and Joan Roselló Villalonga. Here is Polo on “The economic consequences of the Succession War (1702-1714)”: Economic historians underlie the importance of both Castilian and American…
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