A bouncer was standing outside a club when suddenly a horde of feet poured down the street and began squealing, “Let us in, let us in!” “This establishment’s non-discrimination policy doesn’t apply to autonomous human body parts,” he replied, “so fuck off.” But they began kicking at his ankles, and hopping up his legs to…
Because they contain payment cards. Yup, 60s festival administration came home. Jesus F Christ, what ‘tards. I might have an alcohol-free beer to get over the shock. Seriously, get yourself a kazoo this Christmas, and pay cash. The North Koreans haven’t banned them yet, though followers of the Only True Faith are a bit twitchy.
Have you ever considered how incredibly handy it is that next year is always one more than this one? Such powers must never be handed over to Brussels, and there’s only one way to ensure that.
This is not turning into a fucked translators blog, but it is said that freelance translation (or journalism, or such) in Spain is born of the same lunatic heroism that impels people to buy houses there or to walk its pavements. The numbers and rules are available at the Ministerio de Desempleo e Inseguridad Social…
Says a Finn (articles). Kudos to anyone who can identify the painting, and to Kari Poikolainen for standing in front of it. Now for the season of apocalyptic deluges and painful droughts.
Martin Filler -(faux?) outraged New York dandy- is certainly a giggle. If he had any serious interest in France or the Gothic he’d know that the sexless late-republican yellowing of major churches has been going on for some time now. (If all those black virgins are to be white once more, then surely we also…
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