Catalan UDI option really supported by Danish parliament?

Mail from the nationalist travel agency lobbying group “El cas dels catalans” alleging that last Tuesday a motion was passed in favour of the Catalan right to self-determination with the support of all parliamentary groups except the far right:

Com sabeu, aquest passat dimarts dia 12 de maig, el Parlament de Dinamarca va debatre sobre el dret d’autodeterminació dels catalans.


Cal valorar en tota la seva magnitud el que suposa aquesta resolució que va tenir el suport de set grups parlamentaris (tots menys el Partit Popular danès, d’extrema dreta) atès que és la primera que es fa en un debat a la cambra d’un parlament europeu sobre el procés català i al fet que aquesta resolució pot obrir la porta a d’altres de semblants a la resta de països nòrdics.

Cal també d’una altra banda felicitar els membres de l’ANC de Dinamarca pel magnífic i entusiasta treball realitzat. Ens comprometem a donar-los tot el nostre suport i, si així ho creuen convenient, a endegar una campanya de recollida de signatures de suport a un manifest d’agraïment als diputats danesos que se’ls lliuraria personalment tal com varem fer amb els de Londres i d’Edimburg al seu moment, per la qual cosa estem segurs podrem comptar amb el vostre suport i col·laboració.

Shame that for such an important moment no one seems to have told, for example, the websites of Jyllands-Posten, Berlingske or Politiken. Danish is just a porky German dialect with no particularly nasty bits, and deluded retards like myself and my fellow mailinglistees would surely be happy to scrabble through an article or two – assuming anything really happened.

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  1. You asked for it, and here it is, right form the horse´s mouth, in this case the proceedings ( probably that is not the appropiate word ) of the Danish parliament ( in danish, of course)

    It seems that first there is a question to the foreign affairs minister

    The most important bit, the answer of the minister.

    Ant here is the (I think) declaration of the parliament

    From what I have gathered through Google Translate the misister says that Denmark government does not see Catalonia as an oppresed country needing help ( no question of bombing Madrid by now) and that the whole thing is an internal spanish question.

    And the parliament exhorts both parties to be good boys.

    But I could be wrong.. I usually am.

    Yours faithfully,


  2. Ahhh, brilliant! And I can’t recall your having been wrong here…

    So I think this is what happened: a couple of deputies from the red-green revolutionary party ask whether they can ask the foreign minster whether the government will support self-determination blah blah large majority of the Catalan Parliament, Catalan society and the Catalan government blah blah referendum on independence.

    Seven out of the eight mainland parties say they can ask the question, while the Dansk Folkeparti says, “How would you feel if the Spanish parliament decided to debate UDI for the Faroes?” So they ask the question.

    The foreign minister says no, and party reps get up and ramble on about how the foreign minister has got it right (except the Socialistisk Folkeparti – anyone else?), so that the vote today, 19/5, on the motion “The Danish Parliament notes the Government’s report on the historical, political and international legal aspects linked to the situation in Catalonia and endorses the view that the issue of Catalonia’s independence is a matter for peaceful and democratic dialogue between between Catalonia and the Spanish government in Madrid” will be a walkover.

    All incredibly predictable: El cas dels catalans spend their state and private contributions on a nice trip to Copenhagen; their noses are rubbed in the poo; their contributors are none the wiser.

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