Galdós on Podemos

Almost re Pablo Iglesias’ support for austerity in Greece: El pueblo, aquí como en el resto de España, rarísima vez ha sido vengativo en las conmociones puramentes políticas. Se ha contentado con un cambio infantil de los nombres y símbolos de las cosas, así como los primates apenas han sabido otra cosas que erigir nuevas…

Am I a phobicphobic?

I mean, coulrophobia, fack off. Anyway, the etymology has nothing to do with clowns: it’s a disproportionate fear of Andy Coulson.

Brain meltdown

Captain Noodle, carpenter extraordinaire, writes from back home in Barcelona: the other day i was sitting next to a fountain in montjuic and a very large young man climbed out and sat dripping next to me on the park bench. he explained that he was homeless and had been sleeping in the pond all day…
Shanty near Plaza de las Glorias Catalanas, Barcelona

The real crisis

Vox populi, Waltham Abbey: So who cares if Greece leaves the Eurofuckingvision Song Contest? The Essex ~travellers were out in force with two-year-olds and what I’d call light gigs. Baldie Pevsner slagged off the C19th renovation of the abbey church, but it’s actually wonderful. The mural in the Lady Chapel reminded me of the SW…