Jordi Pujol Ferrusola has apparently been paying Liberty Seguros an average of €45 per annum per car to insure a Mercedes Benz 230 SL Pagoda, a Porsche 911 S 2.7 turbo coupé, a Lotus Elan and a Ferrari F40. Crónica Global:
Un informe de la UDEF revela que a Jordi Pujol Ferrusola las pólizas de seguro de cuatro de los coches de lujo de su propiedad le salían by the face, o casi.
I don’t know that expression in English, and the Urban Dictionary entry is neither impressive nor useful in this instance. I think they’ve just translated the Spanish “por la cara”, meaning “as a result of his family connections”, into English to impress what they perhaps privately consider to be a rather un-global readership. Any other readings?
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