
Bio: Kazoo Academy & Barrel Organ Disco/Yorkshire Almanac/translator Romance & Germanic languages & Russian/old-style jazz trombone & vocals/brass bands/allotmenteer
- Wed Nov 01 10:34 Labour-Ecotricity stitch-up for Sub Rooms in Stroud?
- Wed Nov 01 11:52 Perhaps it's fake. Who cares?
- Wed Nov 01 13:41 Comment: @CataloniaHelp2 I and everyone's auntie knew from Twitter an hour before the plane took off. Probably taxi drivers
- Wed Nov 01 18:21 Comment: @Transblawg The loathsome and the lgypsies were far better flowered in Barcelona today. Does no one care about Marx?
- Wed Nov 01 19:09 Comment: @Transblawg The Marx Brothers definitely did tropical.
- Wed Nov 01 21:53 Hago el paseo anual por las espléndidas tumbas gitanas del Monjuich, y encuentro por primera vez a esta pobrecita
- Thu Nov 02 09:17 Why don't lads (or even their fathers) tell jokes any more? And it's not even like women have taken up the baton. Spain = UK in this respect
- Thu Nov 02 09:45 Comment: The End of the Joke taken differently: reconstructing jokes from the punchline
- Thu Nov 02 10:27 Happy that pantalones cagaos are past sell-by: saggy trousers/pants never an adequate translation
- Thu Nov 02 11:52 Neighbouring monks are getting more polyphonic by the year. Now some counterpoint, please.
- Thu Nov 02 19:29 Don Aminado: The rooster wouldn't have cried as loudly had it not had a mandate from the party.
- Fri Nov 03 11:00 Daily Monkey berates Cashless Cameron who tried to deprive the Singing Organ-Grinder of much-needed earnings
- Fri Nov 03 19:01 Puig Castellar: the only Iron Age village where all walls have a damp course?
- Fri Nov 03 21:15 Why can't someone just come out and say, "Having cats makes you lose your mind"?
- Fri Nov 03 21:23 How could a police force trained to spray protesters while eating a waffle screw up the Puigdemont Euro Arrest Warrant?
- Fri Nov 03 21:25 Day of the Dead organ-grinderess. Wonder if she's got a Santa clause in her T&Cs
- Sat Nov 04 18:33 Stalinist rising, Paseo de San Juan, Barcelona Juramos vencer y venceremos. Monkey needs to practice Internationale
- Sat Nov 04 18:36 Comment: Or are they fans of Enver Hoxha? All very confusing, what with Òmnium Cultural's ambition to turn Catalonia into Bosnia.
- Sun Nov 05 08:08 Pedestrian proxemics in Centre Comercial Montigalà recreate villages in Jaén, Rif, Solsona: families walk in rows, one wave breaks on others
- Sun Nov 05 08:09 Comment: Can't do this properly on street: pavements too narrow, too many cars
- Sun Nov 05 08:11 Barcelona tempest
- Sun Nov 05 08:54 Edward Luce long ramble re Cas Mudde "Western populism = illiberal demo response to undemo liberalism" Fun stuff
- Sun Nov 05 11:14 Anecnote: amusing footnote
- Sun Nov 05 18:52 Camí Vell a Montcada above Canyet: C. Tangana - Persiguiéndonos
- Sun Nov 05 18:54 Comment: Plus there was a stick insect and 10 magpies pursuing a hawk, so pretty good all round
- Sun Nov 05 19:52 Most important tech story of 2017: fry your eggs in an onion ring
- Sun Nov 05 21:07 Does "ninguna agresión sin respuesta" come from "ninguna oración sin respuesta"? Just asking
- Sun Nov 05 22:13 Great letters Nikolay Karamzin, London 1790. Loves pavements, balladsinger, but Londoners prefer robbery to coppers
- Sun Nov 05 22:16 Comment: Also sees Horne Tooke speak in the 1790 election pitting Hood vs Fox
- Sun Nov 05 22:17 Comment: & spots the Royal Exchange grasshopper
- Sun Nov 05 22:53 The musical genres I listen to are so hard-core, you've probably never heard of them
- Mon Nov 06 13:28 Head of town planning, large Spanish city beginning with B: "Everything here is illegal. The abnormal is normal."
- Mon Nov 06 17:37 Peak troll
- Tue Nov 07 09:46 East End book recommendation: Eric Levene's '"Feinstein's Theory of Relatives" & Other Hessel Street Stories'
- Tue Nov 07 19:22 Comment: @Shomrim @metpoliceuk @MPSHackney @sajidjavid @MOPACLdn @MartinHewittMPS @MayorofLondon @PoliceChiefs @SophieKLinden @AmberRuddHR @lordnickbourne Philosophically curious re insult: I know what it means, but why would someone choose something so abstruse when easy alternatives at hand?
- Tue Nov 07 19:28 Mad kiddie poetry from Daniil Kharms, via Daniil Wish
- Tue Nov 07 19:29 Comment:
- Tue Nov 07 19:38 Quote: Terrorism & secession threatening lives of vile little piranhas that nibble your feet in downtown Barcelona. Is this what we want?
- Tue Nov 07 23:10 Genius
- Thu Nov 09 08:25 RT @CravenPartners: It looks like a great concert. Until you realise it’s a combine harvester in a cotton field.
- Thu Nov 09 10:01 Rewriting Bukowski -> nice person is up there with Robert Mugabe as World Health Organization goodwill ambassador. Excellent
- Thu Nov 09 12:01 #WhoCaresIfItsTrue
- Thu Nov 09 12:38 Adjectives from translate: translational vs translatory vs translatitious. Um. Yep.
- Thu Nov 09 14:34 DIY Victorian pub mirror
- Thu Nov 09 17:00 Little Red Monkey (i.e. Enver Hoxha), with Joy Nichols, Dick Bentley and Jimmy Edwards - a George Martin Parlophone signing rec 1953
- Thu Nov 09 19:31 My cauliflower cheese has improved monstrously since I met Prince Igor
- Thu Nov 09 19:32 Comment: @ibexsalad Curiously British journalists never point out that the English are still fighting their Civil War
- Thu Nov 09 21:26 Bizarre addiction to historical photographs of a town where one lived for only 6 years
- Thu Nov 09 21:26 Comment: Via
- Fri Nov 10 08:48 With a bit of thought, this could have been a sundial that kills all who gaze upon it (Tulpstraat/Nagelstraat, Oldenzaal)
- Fri Nov 10 08:53 #140characters : just need a Chrome extension that limits own tweets to 140 & screens excessive 3rd party ones
- Fri Nov 10 09:19 @VagabondWines psst your menu links on are all error 404 & redirect to home
- Fri Nov 10 09:27 Comment: Bingo, kind of
- Fri Nov 10 10:27 Campaign to save one of the best pubs I've been to, ancient refuge of the Stranglers, twixt Frome & Bath
- Fri Nov 10 12:51 Right as a trivet
- Fri Nov 10 14:52 Dean Martin sings Under the Bridges of Parrots, not Paris. I always thought it was a bit macawish
- Fri Nov 10 16:30 Comment: @DrBeachcombing Michael O'Leary the Sapient Pig?
- Sat Nov 11 09:12 Receptionist 8-6 M-F on bus last night recited list of phrases used to convince event organiser boss @ Oxford St she should be allowed a wee
- Sat Nov 11 09:15 RIP Chiquito de la Calzada, saviour of terrible jokes & linguistic innovator. I'm addicted to ¡¿Cómorrr?!
- Sat Nov 11 09:19 Comment: That she thought the steam engine was invented in 1920 by Edison is entirely excusable
- Sat Nov 11 15:13 I'd forgotten that one should never ask for four candles in the UK
- Sat Nov 11 16:07 Revolutionary realism from Petersburg
- Mon Nov 13 07:58 Andrés Trapiello: Catalan politics as the misappropriation of airport rides
- Tue Nov 14 08:07 It's that time of year again. I can feel it in my liver.
- Tue Nov 14 08:34 Library as panopticon. Now, Jeremy, don't lose your head.
- Tue Nov 14 11:07 Now available: EPUB and Kindle versions of the two books I'm currently selling. Free kazoo for the first person to fix German mistakes.
- Tue Nov 14 11:36 Comment: @Transblawg He's very shy, quite possibly for good reason.
- Tue Nov 14 12:05 Comment: @Transblawg Mercy bucket! Stamm's great book was on hops. Maybe one day I'll translate that.
- Wed Nov 15 08:59 Comment: @Transblawg I figured that only sympathy for me or obsession with the subject would -> purchase, in which case they'd find their way to me anyway. May need to revise that
- Wed Nov 15 09:08 Comment: @ibexsalad Thought you were talking about Canadian interest in Hispania for a moment
- Wed Nov 15 19:14 Is the Polish graffiti geezer at Millfields, Hackney going Elizabethan on us? "HYPSTERS F*CKERS"
- Wed Nov 15 19:32 King Cnut plumbs again: business card of Barcelona drainage specialist
- Wed Nov 15 21:32 Comment: @justinjerez @thebeerbiz Why I stopped drinking olive oil.
- Thu Nov 16 07:19 Wendy and Lucy (2008) so dismal that random 20 minutes of Mad Max: Fury Road (2015) required to restore faith in humanity
- Thu Nov 16 14:30 Unhelpful phonetic alphabet: Y is for You
- Thu Nov 16 19:03 Fantasy map generators Still have a latent vulnerability to SimCity
- Thu Nov 16 20:27 Latest Singing Organ-Grinder product; mug on which drunken monkeys sack their boss & settle down to writing Shakespeare
- Fri Nov 17 10:30 "Here’s what we learned from ordering 213 curries at Wetherspoons"
- Fri Nov 17 11:20 Comment: @jomoulds @FT WTF? The Lancastrian Proust says that Blackpool's raves are the best
- Fri Nov 17 11:23 One of [monkeys'] curious educational ideas will be shown in the efforts they will make to learn more than one “language.” They will set their young to spending a decade or more of their lives in studying duplicate systems of chatter.
- Fri Nov 17 12:36 3rd most powerful supercomputer in Europe is in a Barcelona chapel. Nice metaphor. (The 2nd most powerful is in my left foot.)
- Fri Nov 17 12:45 In jokes, why do men always walk into pubs? Is that how life was, or is it a simple way of signalling genre, like saying "Once upon a time"?
- Fri Nov 17 12:50 Google Translate in evidence on website for Catalan regional elections: "Voters who feel temporarily abroad" Kind of how I feel
- Fri Nov 17 18:06 Buggers stole my Libertarian Republic of Clapton Pond scheme
- Sat Nov 18 09:00 Missing neighbour
- Sat Nov 18 09:41 Awaiting Thomas Mapfumo's reaction to whichever despot replaces Mugabe My first transcription of this music
- Sat Nov 18 12:57 Antique Russian belief that elephants live underground & the earth spews out their bones.
- Sat Nov 18 13:00 Also: belief that passing a dead man's hand over someone cures insomnia, technique adopted by burglars to prevent victims awaking.
- Sat Nov 18 13:45 Woman finds needle in haystack
- Sun Nov 19 00:02 Catalan rebel government erases its unionist member, forgets to get erase his legs
- Sun Nov 19 08:29 Only one way of exorcising my fantasy of a bowl of porridge with a fried egg on top.
- Sun Nov 19 18:59 Someone today: "Tom Lehrer I Hold Your Hand In Mine is *very* dark" Hope it's not going to join Sarah Silverman's best jokes on the new orthodoxy's prohibited list
- Mon Nov 20 12:54 Don Aminado: There are lots of good people in the world, but they are all terribly busy.
- Mon Nov 20 13:01 Hadn't seen Angus Macqueen Gulag before - brilliant complement to the also tremendous Death of Stalin - glad both have jokes - no horror without humour
- Mon Nov 20 13:05 Monkeys wrestle syntax, again
- Mon Nov 20 15:06 Tragicomedy - bottom-up, creative idealism meets bureaucratic mediocrity in an East London primary - Peggy Thomas, Less Than A Year
- Mon Nov 20 15:06 Argy bhaji in curry house
- Mon Nov 20 15:41 Wahaha. Sorry.
- Tue Nov 21 08:15 Your man's on the job
- Tue Nov 21 10:06 Not many heroes in 1930s Spain, but Melchor Rodríguez is a candidate Apparently he wrote song lyrics after the war, but I can't find any
- Tue Nov 21 11:27 Truffle crisps are nothing like as good as potato ones
- Tue Nov 21 15:16 Braguino: Old Believer family goes self-sufficient in mid-Siberia, but with disagreeable neighbours & well armed newcomers. Brilliant film
- Wed Nov 22 08:38 Locke et al on minimum alcohol pricing
- Wed Nov 22 08:42 On a related theme, beautiful photos of an old lady smoking in a pub
- Wed Nov 22 11:34 Comment: @LowEbbs Just need to check with folks who've got boats made of polyethylene
- Wed Nov 22 11:48 Comment: @LowEbbs Micro-organisms with an understanding of property law?
- Wed Nov 22 16:11 Will really miss my sporadic strolls over to Hackney Wick to see Alan Factor & all the lovely people at Quality Castings. An old profile from @thegentleauthor :
- Thu Nov 23 08:46 RT @Arch_Revival_: The Russian coat of arms, the Imperial Eagle, has been restored to the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow.
- Thu Nov 23 08:49 Lovely lady at NPG event brushed over it, but Cézanne portraits of Mrs are brutal & appalling - kind of thing one imagines Laurent having painted as he descends into madness after murdering Camille in Thérèse Raquin
- Thu Nov 23 09:59 Oxygen For Rent
- Thu Nov 23 10:26 Online mattress wars
- Thu Nov 23 10:54 Map of German settlement in the Russian & Austrian empires post 1763
- Thu Nov 23 19:58 Annual Central European Wild West evening: Lemonade Joe, as always, & new this year Texas – Doc Snyder hält die Welt in Atem
- Fri Nov 24 09:33 Harare inauguration footwear
- Fri Nov 24 11:42 Divine Comedy in elderly Provençal: experiment
- Fri Nov 24 13:21 Geoff Tootill (1922 – 2017) of the Telecommunications Research Establishment at Malvern talking about the 1940s Flying Rockets Concert Party's lighting rig
- Sat Nov 25 08:32 Bunderful, and the C18th Neapolitan nativity next door is very special
- Sat Nov 25 08:47 Mid-C20th bestiary by a cross-dressing Barcelona policeman, Josep Baqué
- Sat Nov 25 09:40 DIY money-laundering
- Sat Nov 25 09:44 Thread about de facto privatisation of the Met. Only crime I've reported during my wanders that led to a response was where one guy appeared to be in the process of killing another. I no longer bother
- Sat Nov 25 10:42 Comment: @izakaminska It would get fun if one could show that contracting the Met's private protection made them less inclined to track & snoop on one
- Sat Nov 25 11:30 Comment: @beanavarro Hotel Van der Valk, no Balk
- Sat Nov 25 12:01 Particularly lavish funeral of the cat by the mice aka world upside down. Working away on the Petersburg organ grinders:
- Sat Nov 25 12:09 Comment: Mein Gott, there's a similar Vietnamese print, but how old?
- Sat Nov 25 22:29 Tibi dabo claves regni caelorum... Always love the nativity at @SPitalianchurch, Clerkenwell, though the shepherd could do with some sheep to go with the garlic
- Sun Nov 26 07:55 Big fan of the staff, Chinese/Thai takeaways, and clientele of Rose Garden, Marsh Hill, Hackney borders, & agree that adding peas to egg-fried rice would be a deed both wild & reckless
- Sun Nov 26 08:53 Curious & often very beautiful Chinese interpretation of the world upside down: "I saw mice burying a cat"
- Sun Nov 26 08:54 Comment: More videos by Dimitry Geller
- Sun Nov 26 09:33 Saudi crown prince to Thomas Friedman on music & faith/sex mixing in Islam before the surge of fundamentalism in the 70s: "So if the Prophet embraced all of this, do you mean the Prophet was not a Muslim?" So when's my first gig in Tower Hamlets?
- Sun Nov 26 09:40 Comment: Curious why he dates the shift to 1979 when e.g. Bangladeshi novelists note the change among gastarbeiders who began to go to the Arabian Peninsula following OPEC price hikes years earlier
- Sun Nov 26 20:40 Burial Of The Cat By The Mice generally taken to be the most Russian of pre-C20th popular prints, & v common in 200 years to 1917. Here, however, C15th (?) decoration in Tarragona cathedral cloister, inc scene of cat waking up hungry as also told in Russia
- Sun Nov 26 20:54 Comment: Tools being carried to open the grave: pick, mattock, shovel
- Sun Nov 26 21:03 Comment: Russians are also bearing tools, but have different drawing arrangements; throat harness (!!!) in woodcuts, poor mice, then throat and girth???
- Mon Nov 27 07:30 BBC's Howard's End: Every exterior shot in Wickham Place, aka Myddelton Square, Clerkenwell, has the organ-grinder fearing his turn-of-century self will be observed stumbling from a fearful debauch at Mr M's house.
- Mon Nov 27 10:17 RT @izakaminska: Amazon really is the definition of Fritz Lang’s Metropolis dystopia. The workers working against the clock. Meanwhile Mr B…
- Mon Nov 27 16:08 Here's a relief for everyone looking for English rhymes for Mnangagwa
- Tue Nov 28 09:13 Descending Fleet St on the Monday midnight 26 to Hackney Wick, a Gondorian vertorama from the top deck front row: Ludgate Hill subdued & veering past the savage Portland white of St Paul's on field of the City scraper storm
- Tue Nov 28 09:13 Comment: Then home to a teenage Jamaican gangster stomping on the head of a colleague
- Tue Nov 28 09:40 EU using chicken army to keep the Senegalese in Senegal Ashamed to say that the emigration slogan "Barça ou Barzak," Barcelona or death, was new to me
- Tue Nov 28 10:26 Excellent translation of Occitan lament for Richard the Lionheart
- Tue Nov 28 11:20 Comment: @ibexsalad Curious why they would develop that way, since there isn't really that much oxygen at your altitude anyway
- Tue Nov 28 20:58 Gaming Ryanair Brings to mind GB Shaw: Never wrestle with a pig: you get dirty and the pig enjoys it.
- Wed Nov 29 08:32 Inhabitants of St. Mary Mead enthused by news that Miss Marple is to marry Prince Harry
- Wed Nov 29 08:54 Astounded to discover that the tune for "Where can you fit the Albert Hall? Down Tracey Williams' trousers" is also used for While Shepherds Washed Their Socks By Night: Cranbrook, by Thomas Clark
- Wed Nov 29 09:29 Concert next Wednesday by those sworn enemies of organ-grinders, the London Gallery Quire
- Wed Nov 29 21:18 Dmitriy Putilov of Samara's hunchback ball & various other very bad ideas Complete psycho
- Wed Nov 29 21:23 Bus driver with rather unfortunate handle: tombward
- Wed Nov 29 21:54 Bach or bollocks
- Wed Nov 29 21:59 Cats in Russian literature
- Wed Nov 29 22:03 Comment: More extensive (& clawed, sorry, flawed) take on the Kazan Cat Trying to remember which Western monarch, before Elizabeth of Russia, imported cats to cope with mouse epidemic
- Thu Nov 30 09:02 Comment: @razibkhan Stag parties in Barcelona = significant % of pop dressed as Spiderman
- Thu Nov 30 09:18 Lord of the Nazgûl sick of having to tie up his trusty steed outside because Hell Hawks not allowed in restaurants
- Thu Nov 30 09:57 Comment: @ibexsalad Give me the child for the first seven years and I will give you the man
- Thu Nov 30 10:55 Re: Give me the child for the first seven years and I will give you the man: Jesuits as entrepreneurial model for organ-grinders
- Thu Nov 30 11:59 Vidi on the warpath
- Thu Nov 30 12:00 Comment: @GhostwoodsBooks Still too cheery.
- Thu Nov 30 21:36 I adore Jardiel Poncela - shame about versions of his stuff. 1971 Espérame en Siberia, vida mía = faithful to original, but still so disappointing
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