Gypsy madonna, madonna gypsy
Who’s copying who?
Great tunes, great doggerel, small simians
Who’s copying who?
Could extravagant and shameless extrapolation of the last glacial period put the fear of the woolly mammoth into the council?
What to do when a mysterious lady offers you a free ride?
With a field study of the nymphomaniacs of Goa and brief notes on the early history of composite grafts.
Some historical advice from an Irish perspective for Esperanza Aguirre on the pitfalls of attempting to demonstrate by symbolic means the virile and libertarian spirit of Madrid in the invented and regrettable conflict between it and doldrummed Barcelona.
With an excerpt from a plea for more state funding by the Bostonian Western Rail-road, in which we are given to understand that snow is not necessarily a bad thing.
A fragment from Italo Calvino’s quasi-17th century folk romance, Il visconte dimezzato/The cloven viscount, uses storks as a portent of battle. Several unconnected 2nd century Greek accounts might appear to do the same, perhaps particularly if one’s a lazy sod and doesn’t read anything but scraps of stuff on Google Books.
Influence of fat content on palatability of roast beef.
“Discontented devil of a blackamoor, why canst thou not be satisfied to live here?” “Avast there; all our gold and diamonds can’t procure us here the bright sunshine and joyous people, nor the rich fruits and wine, of my native clime.”