On the other hand…
Why the mob may want to consider murder and mayhem. With apologies to the Archpriest of Hita.
Great tunes, great doggerel, small simians
Why the mob may want to consider murder and mayhem. With apologies to the Archpriest of Hita.
Pío Baroja got pretty damn close to the Catalunacy of José Luis Espejo in La dama errante.
An optimist might say that the chart shows a Roman deity giving way to a late Old Testament prophet giving way to scientific interest in the world(s) about us.
El misteri de l’assassinat del bisbe de Barcelona by Ponç Feliu and Miquel Mir
Someone please explain to me how it works.
Introducing Secular thought, an ancient journal of the Canadian heathen.
I’m thinking of examples like Álvarez/Álvaro, Alves/ Alves, Benítez/Benito, Díaz/Diego, Domínguez/Domingo, Fernández/Fernando, Giménez/Ximeno, Gómez/Guillermo, González/Gonzalo, Gutiérrez/Gutierre, Henríquez/Henrique, Ibáñez/Juan, Juánez/Juan, López/Lope, Márquez/Marco, Martínez/Martín, Menéndez/Menendo, Muñoz/Muño, Núñez/Nuño, Ordóñez/Ordoño, Ortiz/Ortún, Peláez/Pelayo, Pérez/Pere, Ramírez/Ramiro, Rodríguez/Rodrigo, Ruiz/Ruy, Sánchez/Sancho, Suárez/Suero, Vázquez/Vasco, Velázquez/Velasco.