“En plena disputa per les obres de l’AVE, que amenacen amb danyar l’estructura de la Sagrada Família, Manuel Otaño, un sacerdot jesuïta que treballa al Vaticà, torna a Barcelona per a supervisar les obres del projecte més ambiciós d’Antoni Gaudí. Aviat es veurà embolicat en una intriga que girarà entorn d’un manuscrit oposat que podria…
Xavier (check his crazy blog, Le dicon) in an interesting comment has introduced me to Jean-Pierre Brisset. Brisset is interesting because he anticipates Derrida (différance) by taking a a lexical trick that works only in French and using it as the basis for universal theory, despite most of us not having been blessed with an…
Non-resident kitsch freaks may enjoy some of the texts contributed to the Catalan language police’s good cop’s latest bizarre spending spree aimed at beating the language market. I used to conduct one of Holland’s last communist choirs, but even they’d have collapsed in a combination of laughter and horror at the Ecological Pasodoble. The following…
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