A Barcelona spamvertising blog
Or was the Second Anglo-Afghan War actually fought in the Pyrenees?
Great tunes, great doggerel, small simians
Or was the Second Anglo-Afghan War actually fought in the Pyrenees?
Is it a personal hiperandalucismo, or is there somewhere in Málaga where everyone speaks like this?
Bizarrely honest or honestly bizarre?
Excerpts from Juan Goytisolo and Ramón Fernández Palmeral, with an epitaph from George Orwell.
Don’t claim national origins for yourselves without very carefully considering the possible consequences.
Vague musings on the past and present of hare coursing and greyhound racing in Spain.
A Catalan children’s song remembered by Francesc Candel; early rave culture on Central America’s eastern seaboard.
Yo, el vaquilla, quinqui cinema, and the usual political whining.
Link love for 05/06/2009.
Was S Felipe Neri the original big swinging dick?