Vote Sinaí Giménez
The Galician Obama, the Vigan Podemos…
Great tunes, great doggerel, small simians
The Galician Obama, the Vigan Podemos…
Does St Salvator of Horta’s geo-sensitive (Catalan-Basque) miracle cure for a deaf-mute girl open a logical loophole in Godless Adams’ argument?
The gov that dares not speak its name.
More than some people think.
The precedents for, and some possible implications of, the Catalanisation of Barcelona’s cinemas. Plus some crowd-pleasing video of the Quebec language police in action. (Allez! Allez! Allez! And the hell with the economy!) All in somewhat fevered response to an article by Martin Dahms in the Tages-Anzeiger.
A Catalan children’s song remembered by Francesc Candel; early rave culture on Central America’s eastern seaboard.
Don’t try to force feminism on women.
Variation in air traffic numbers throws interesting light on Spain’s problems as it plunges into recession.