The Daily Mail on Jeremy Clarkson in Argentina

The great Jeremiad-caravan against the BBC’s raison d’ĂȘtre and the licence fee has been to Patagonia. That the Daily Mail managed to locate, but not Google Translate: [Malvinas-related provocation: incidents and the BBC team has left the country] Thanks to S, who suggests that the differences between the Mail and the Guardian are two: the…

Not fucked translation

The Daily Mail and Tesco and various translation pundits just booked themselves into the nether stretches of the intestines of linguistic hell. From the Mule: I’m not hungry, thanks! Tesco brands Finest spaghetti bolognese ‘the balls of grandad’ Packaging features signs from an Italian market advertising ‘Le Palle de Nonno’ and ‘Coglioni di Mulo’ They…