Organ-grinding tweets for December
Xmas &c.
Great tunes, great doggerel, small simians
Xmas &c.
More rubbish.
Another abundance of redundance. Featuring Russian, German and Italian puppetry, organ-grinding, and other nonsense.
Whether Cervantes saw it or not, it is possible as he describes.
Or, How to cook the old lady who swallowed a fly without stooping to cannibalism. Cumulative songs (and monstrous nested stuffing recipes) in Quixote and Estebanillo González, with the grossest video you’ll see today.
Why I’ll probably be sticking with the Biblioteca Virtual del Señor Licenciado Pero Pérez.
With a sublime little parody of romantic nationalism from Camilo José Cela, who has his own particular view of this bothersome culture vs civilisation thing.
An elderly Andalusian’s way of saying “this year” may constitute early warning of global (or at least Peninsular) cataclysm, perhaps a regional franchise of the 2012 phenomenon.