Hackney Brook restoration scheme

Iain Sinclair wrote of when “global warming rolls a warm sea [up] the course of the old Hackney Brook.” The flow’s going to be the other way. Let me explain.

Shark jumping on Wick Road near St. Dominic's Primary School following the reinstatement of Hackney Brook.

Grandes descubrimientos del viernes

Cómo introducir la juventud a los auténticos valores socialistas; y cómo calentar la leche para tu café fácilmente, sin ensuciar la cacerola ni que se forme piel encima de la leche.

Cafeteras estilo Bialetti Moka Express.

Insuring Amsterdam

Stiltsville in various Germans. With a filthy joke, and several less filthy ones.

I changed my name

“Barcelona, Londres y Tilligte” no cabía en la tarjeta de visita. / “Barcelona, London and Tilligte” didn’t fit on my business card.

Migración del mosquitero común: amarillo = verano, azul = invierno. / Chiffchaff migration: yellow = summer, blue = winter.

Long time no see, but…

Organ‘s almost there: And one’s mind is furtively wandering again through the world of cargo cycles. Recent sightings include a very impressive 4-wheeler from FietsXpress.nl in Den Haag: Apparently it’s Berlin-built, but by whom? Vrachtfiets.nl, a spin-off from the excellent technical university in Delft (I used to cycle there from Rijswijk every lunchtime for fried…