Rajoy porn

John B (on John C’s comments) mentions the story doing the rounds about a video which, if it existed, might alarm Mr Rajoy’s more conservative following. What we need now is John A with a pirate version, or at least some decent fakes. (Does no one here know what Photoshop is really for?) Here, meanwhile,…

home cooking

The Catalanistas are up in arms because a judge over in Torrelavega, Cantabria has denied custody of two children to the mother, now living in Lérida/Lleida, Catalonia on the grounds that this could “cause them certain disturbances,” being an autonomous community “in which important differences of cultural order with respect to Cantabria exist, particularly in…


Running or cycling whilst drunk may result in unanticipated (but not always unwelcome) entanglements with trees and shrubs. Mr Kouessi A Rene of Benin has monetised this concept and become a “manufacturer of alcoholics extracted from plants,” which he seems to be exhibiting at the 9th Ghana International Trade Fair. I used often to end…


Either condoms have suddenly become hideously expensive or there’s a missing link when The Guardian says that “British teenagers are better off … than ever before” while the BBC says they’re using crisp packets because they can’t afford the real thing. The solution is obvious – sell crisps wrapped in condoms – and the title…