March tweets

More Czechs, Spike Jones, Brexit, burning Guy, Child Ballads, copyright, Robin Hood’s two pricks, and so on.

Tatraplan by Blahoslaw Rozboril & Josef Daňka at the Pražák Palace bit of the Moravian Gallery in Brno.

Pooch-pigeon porn preview

I was having a chat about stuff with Pete Doherty this morning, and he tells me that because of the common genetic ancestry of most of the races of the Milky Way galaxy, many species are able to interbreed with or without the help of genetic technology. In fact dogs and doves are quite similar,…

Improvised hair salon in village bar

Eating excellent omelettes and cold cuts and other stuff in a bar on this walk, in comes a stylist who was born in the village but now lives in the town and comes back every now and again. First she cut Mr and Mrs, and then A from Hengelo decided the opportunity was too good…

Hengelo liberation diary

The Telegraph is publishing ((free) login required) the wartime recollections of WF Deedes, who passed through Hengelo and, one assumes, Oldenzaal on his way to Germany with the King’s Royal Rifle Corps in 1944-5.

Jan Cremer: Amb bici fins a Jerusalem

Jan Cremer (†1942) va escriure articles (publicats en forma de cartes) per al Nieuwe Hengelosche Courant sobre un viatge de tornada amb bici d’Holanda cap al Medi Orient en 1937 i 1938. Va trobar a Hongria la mare del seu fill i va celebrar a Sarajevo el seu 60i natalici, i tota la seva ciutat…