March tweets

More Czechs, Spike Jones, Brexit, burning Guy, Child Ballads, copyright, Robin Hood’s two pricks, and so on.

Tatraplan by Blahoslaw Rozboril & Josef Daňka at the Pražák Palace bit of the Moravian Gallery in Brno.

Stalin’s organ works

But all its pipes are the same length, so it only plays one note. Plus totalitarian musical dogs and terror management studies.

Small (Australian) boy with a pet dog singing in (peaceful) unison (1939).

Grandes descubrimientos del viernes

Cómo introducir la juventud a los auténticos valores socialistas; y cómo calentar la leche para tu café fácilmente, sin ensuciar la cacerola ni que se forme piel encima de la leche.

Cafeteras estilo Bialetti Moka Express.

Fixing the rootless cosmopolitans

Most of the people I know regard themselves as left-wing, so I’ve heard this form of apocalyptic xenophobia more from guys with curious haircuts than from guys who have dispensed with the razor guard altogether. Mein Kampf etc are familiar but I don’t really know the “left” national-socialist equivalents. Here, however, is the Stalinist machine…