Common language for Africa

These guys crack me up: Mr Atukwei Okai, Secretary General of the Pan African Writers Association (PAWA), on Tuesday advocated African Common Language Policy to enhance communication among Africans as a vital ingredient in ensuring the success of African unity. He said some proponents had indicated Swahili as a possible adoptive language, but cautioned that…

Press freedom in Catalonia

How have Rafael Ramos, Josep Maria Casasús and other disgraces to journalism been able to survive so long at La Vanguardia? One reason is that the paper’s finely-tuned editorial line resulted in enough favours in cash and in kind from the old Pujol/CiU regional administration to free it from the pressures faced, and the standards…


I think it’s generally agreed that Panayotis Soldatos gets the credit for the first use of the term paradiplomacy, way back in 1990 in an essay of his, An Explanatory Framework for the Study of Federated States as Foreign-Policy Actors, in Michelmann & Soldatos, Federalism and International Relations: The Role of the Subnational Units. While…

Suggestion for EU official language policy

Irish opposition parties are trying to stir up the nationalist vote with a proposal to get Irish (ca 0.2M fluent speakers) adopted as an official EU language. I know when I’ve lost an argument, and I hereby renounce everything I have said on this subject in the past. Let’s make every European tongue (including the…

nationalism is bad for business

Empirical proof: yesterday’s rant-filled page impressions (excluding repeats from the same IP) were 20% higher than the previous record, but click-through earnings were the lowest since Christmas Day. Going up a level, do you think it is an attractive signal to outside investors (hint from JB) that ERC, the party currently holding the balance of…

Franco and the golden ages of the sardana

The sardana was encouraged by the Francoist state and suffered its greatest difficulties during the period of revolutionary anarcho-syndicalist and Stalinist control