Organ-grinding tweets for February
More untruths & idle opinions.
Great tunes, great doggerel, small simians
More untruths & idle opinions.
More rubbish.
Karl Nagl’s claim that, unlike the Germans, Viennese organ-grinders are musicians, because they have “crank-sense.” And female yodelling with Dudlerinnen Trude Mally and Maly Nagl.
With a recording of a barrel alarm clock, a Shostakovich anecdote, a copyright tussle between the Russian Premier League and the Russian Authors’ Society, and more Blatner material.
More barrel organ news from Hackney. Includes first posts from Top 10 Russian Football Song series.
Symmetries in textiles, architecture and music.
Cranking it up along the River Lea.
The latest barrel organ news from Hackney, London.
Another abundance of redundance. Featuring Russian, German and Italian puppetry, organ-grinding, and other nonsense.
Whether Cervantes saw it or not, it is possible as he describes.