June tweets from London’s Singing Organ-Grinder

More barrel organ news from Hackney. Includes first posts from Top 10 Russian Football Song series.

Franchi and Johnsons are rivals.

Franchi and Johnsons are rivals.


Bio: Kazoo Academy & Barrel Organ Disco/Yorkshire Almanac/translator Romance & Germanic languages & Russian/old-style jazz trombone & vocals/brass bands/allotmenteer

  • Fri Jun 01 07:51 Comment: @ibexsalad I still confuse Sánchez physically & intellectually with Ronaldo, so Zidane resigning instead of Rajoy really threw me
  • Fri Jun 01 10:10 Comment: @tombcn Gives everyone time to get a new frying pan.
  • Fri Jun 01 13:24 Working on my burger-grilling & CV for McDonalds. No, wait...
  • Fri Jun 01 13:51 People say that Hampshire has lost touch with its rural roots, but distinctly agricultural requirements from a village taxi business: "Simply send your CV bellow and we will be in touch"
  • Fri Jun 01 14:17 Trojan Squid
  • Fri Jun 01 17:46 It's a killer to get home on Friday night and find there's another weekend of festival noise in #VictoriaPark. 2 km away but unbearable even with double-glazed windows closed @hackneycouncil #AllPointsEast #Hackney
  • Fri Jun 01 18:03 9 days after 1st census, geese on navigable channel of River Lea, Ferry Lane-Lea Bridge @ 17:15: Canada 88 (+45), greylag 2 (+1), Egyptian 2 (=). Half-term bread rations? Encourage visitors to take a goose home? #WalthamstowWetlands #WalthamstowMarshes #WalthamForest #Hackney
  • Fri Jun 01 18:04 Comment: Previous count here:
  • Fri Jun 01 21:18 Didgeridon't
  • Sat Jun 02 09:10 Loophole in Human Rights Act? I have just discovered in a cell in the Tower of London the Poles discovered roasting a swan during construction of the Olympic Park
  • Sat Jun 02 09:19
  • Sat Jun 02 10:26 Gershwin, American in Paris with proper car horns
  • Sat Jun 02 10:38 When I hear a gale of geese pass overhead at three in the morning, nostalgia wants them to be Paul Gallico's Anser caerulescens, which, however, sound just as ugly as the inescapable Branta canadensis
  • Sat Jun 02 10:59 More nostalgia/homesickness: Rousseau on the proscription on pain of death of the performance by Swiss mercenaries of bovine ballads (ranz des vaches/Kühreihen), because they would burst into tears and demand to be sent home
  • Sat Jun 02 11:34 Meme research: Shakespeare sonnet 108 as early use of mind as replicator: What’s in the brain, that ink may character, / Which hath not figur’d to thee my true spirit? / What’s new to speak, what new to register, / That may express my love, or thy dear merit?
  • Sat Jun 02 11:59 Long answer to the question of why, if Shakespeare sonnets & iambic pentameter are so important to us, virtually nadie has set them to music
  • Sat Jun 02 12:06 AirBnB & the Scottish Highlands & Islands' housing crisis
  • Sat Jun 02 12:16 RT @janskudlarek: "Russian poet, body-builder & futurist Vladimir Holzsmith hypnotizing a chicken." (1923)
  • Sat Jun 02 12:51 Edward Lear: the Old Man of Whitehaven vs "they"
  • Sat Jun 02 14:43 German medical services embracing gender diversity
  • Sat Jun 02 23:01 Wolfgang Amadeus Flintstone
  • Sun Jun 03 07:56 Lovely bloke
  • Sun Jun 03 08:04 Was never really into Frears or Grant, but the pairing is magic. Can't wait for the final episode of A Very English Scandal
  • Sun Jun 03 09:07 Feodor, idiot son of Ivan the Terrible & last Tsar from the Viking Rurik dynasty, was called the bellringer because, as well as bear baiting & fairground fist fighting, he liked ringing church bells. Shame there are no pics of him talking to storks
  • Sun Jun 03 09:20 Comment: Bonus: some great photos of the manual carillon in the monastery of the Assumption which is the summer residence of the Patriarch of Moscow and all Rus', on the seashore just outside Odessa
  • Sun Jun 03 09:24 Someone's reposted Eberhard Fechner's great 1976 doc about the Comedian Harmonists
  • Sun Jun 03 09:33 Comment:
  • Sun Jun 03 09:46 Anyone know of a triptych, where the central panel zooms out on the left, adding a crucial new element to the scene, and where the right does the same to the central panel, delivering the punchline in long shot?
  • Sun Jun 03 15:41 However interesting your afternoon, I'll bet you haven't talked to a Chinese playwright who Theresa May has tried to assassinate 153 times. P.S. David Cameron strangled William Hague
  • Sun Jun 03 16:12 Comment: @Transblawg I don't think he's big on that kind of detail. Someone needs to interview him before he dies, or trawl the Letters to the Editor bin of the locals.
  • Sun Jun 03 16:24 @thameswater Just turned off the valve at , flowing at ca 7 litres/hr, presumably since the traveller encampment left, so loss > 6m3? Curious that @LeeValleyPark haven't mended the installation or the security gate @wfcouncil @WFTellWalt
  • Sun Jun 03 16:27 Comment: @thameswater I'm not asking anyone to buy me a drink in reward, but can I and a friend get a permit to come in one day this summer and pick the fruit at the Coppermills Treatment Works? Breaks me heart every year...
  • Sun Jun 03 17:29 Interview with Victoria Lomasko of "Other Russias"
  • Sun Jun 03 17:48 Michael Pollan: Johnny Appleseed spread cider apples, not eaters: he was our American Dionysus: The book:
  • Sun Jun 03 20:49 Ernst Toch: Big Ben: Variation-Fantasy on the Westminster Chimes I knew none of his stuff, not even Heidi + Shirley Temple (Korngold's better) or the 3rd symphony , but made better fist of USA than Schönberg
  • Mon Jun 04 13:40 If you search for "Scoto-Norman," Google still doesn't say, "Did you mean 'Norman Scott'?" #EstablishmentCoverUp
  • Mon Jun 04 14:22 Can't get enough of the Peanut Vendor riff?
  • Mon Jun 04 15:01 The BBC still call it Afrobeat or Afrobeats, but Afrobeatz is better and organ-grinders say Afrobeatç and clear their throats
  • Tue Jun 05 12:06 Why do people say "Science Park" but then "Life Sciences Park"?
  • Tue Jun 05 12:49 What value will my life retain if no one is allowed to traffic my data?
  • Tue Jun 05 15:44 Wanted, modest Celtic barn for a week in July. I think
  • Wed Jun 06 14:41 Small-town, rural Holland has changed The Dutch don't have a good (Jafaican) or even a lame expression (MLE) for the lingo of grime: it's just straattaal, street language
  • Thu Jun 07 06:35 'somewhere someone got a consent form saying “we’re going to give you radioactive LSD” and thought “sure, why not?”' The comments are good
  • Thu Jun 07 07:03 Elio Vittorini, Conversations in Sicily: "Then why d'you think he was a Great Lombard?" "Because," said I. "Wasn't he blond, with blue eyes — Grandfather?" "Is that a Great Lombard?" said my mother. "Someone that's blond and has blue eyes? It's easy to be a Great Lombard!
  • Thu Jun 07 07:20 Comment: I don't think I've heard people in Barcelona refer to the generally, sometimes naturally, blonder ruling caste as directly, but there Mary, Mother of God, is often blonde
  • Thu Jun 07 11:38 Dacre's demise is, happily, not the end of the eggcorn at the Mail: "Triple killer Henri, 23, ... concocted a web of lives to cover his tracks"
  • Thu Jun 07 12:06 Hipster Hackney: We had the world's first plastic factory
  • Thu Jun 07 12:59 Traffic bump & the insurance gets out her camera & says: "The accident is transmitted photographically in a tension between the representable & the un-representable, the archived & the un-archivable, the administration of life at work & the necropolitical regime of surplus-value"
  • Thu Jun 07 13:00 Clavero vs García Roche? "Ahora los chulos se han quedado en el camino porque ha montado un circo y ahora le van a crecer los enanos. Como él es el payaso pues saldrá de payaso y todos los enanos que le van a crecer"
  • Thu Jun 07 13:54 20K for "A Map of Chicago's Gangland from Authentic Sources. Designed to Inculculate the Most Important Principles of Piety and Virtue In Young Persons and Graphically Portray the Evils and Sin of Large Cities." Where's the London edition?
  • Thu Jun 07 15:25 BLOG: Leave your city burnin like Gamera: Lower Clapton’s wildlife and some audiovisual plans
  • Thu Jun 07 22:22 I think I'm thru to the second
  • Fri Jun 08 08:22 "Underground mutton" is Strine for "rabbit": E. Lambert Long White Night xv. 138 "I thought a feed of underground mutton would go all right for my tea."
  • Fri Jun 08 08:35 Damselflies at the Walthamstow reservoirs. My exotic favourite is the Banded demoiselle , occasionally glimpsed, between hayfever tears, in quite considerable numbers on the meadow
  • Fri Jun 08 13:47 BLOG: From the lexical underground, “rapport”: some symmetries in textiles, architecture and music
  • Sat Jun 09 07:01 Facebook was loathsome, now just waiting for Twitter to wither and die
  • Sat Jun 09 07:05 Comment: @Transblawg "Ein kleines Insekt könnte Libellula fluviatilis genannt werden, da sein Körperbau einem Meeresfisch ähnelt, der Zygaena oder Libella heißt. Er hat die Form einer Wasserwaage, wie sie die Architekten verwenden, und wird in Italien auch Hammerfisch genannt"
  • Sat Jun 09 07:06 Arnold Bennett, lion-tamer
  • Sat Jun 09 07:53 Nice Walthamstow grebe Times 87: A new cult known as ‘grebo’is a movement of transcending witlessness whose generally youthful protagonists have appropriated both punk's anti-social slobbishness & the grimy, anti-chic dress-sense of the hippy biker
  • Sat Jun 09 07:54 Comment: Probably re Adam cum suis at the Fox in Willian. Photo via @Transblawg
  • Sat Jun 09 08:06 The Princess & the Pea, told in Dutch by Mies Bouwman Kevin I's mum called her cat after Claudius: "Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, din-dins!"
  • Sat Jun 09 09:29 RT @j_wils: @wfcouncil @organiclea Hope @elorganillero will be there again. Top class musical entertainment. My little girl loves him!
  • Sat Jun 09 09:30 Don't get on the wrong side of Doc Mustard I understand he's been banned from Coventry AND Penzance
  • Sat Jun 09 09:48 A great Zarah Leander song, new to me: Ich steh' im Regen und warte auf Dich/I stand in the rain and wait for you
  • Sat Jun 09 09:50 Comment: In 1960
  • Sat Jun 09 15:15 BLOG: When’s the cheapest time to make strawberry jam? Average wholesale prices, April-October 2015-2017
  • Sat Jun 09 22:38 Classic Early Modern front cover of English ed of Jan Struys' ghostwritten memoirs , Drie aanmerkelyke reizen (1640s-70s), forgets to mention Turkish captivity. Other image is his illustration of the Cossack massacre at Astrakhan, which he narrowly escaped

  • Sun Jun 10 05:27 Derren Brown must have seen this gorilla video:
  • Sun Jun 10 05:42 Thomas Hardy, Levelled Churchyard (1882) O passenger, pray list & catch Our sighs & piteous groans, Half stifled in this jumbled patch Of wrenched memorial stones! We late-lamented, resting here, Are mixed to human jam, & each to each exclaims in fear, ‘I know not which I am!'
  • Sun Jun 10 05:47 Comment: Re Old St Pancras, via . Image is pre-"restoration" from Sears . When I visit I think of Angela Burdett-Coutts - sundial there, fountain in Victoria Park, "2nd-most remarkable woman in the kingdom"
  • Sun Jun 10 06:38 google ngrams: longer lasting,longer-lasting,more long lasting,more long-lasting
  • Sun Jun 10 13:05 London Borough of Dogs' Home and Barking would make more sense than vice versa - bit like Anchor & Hope vs Hope & Anchor
  • Sun Jun 10 22:20 When I understand all of London's new languages, I'm sure I'll discover that the black lad cycling fast away from Westfield Stratford on the pavement this afternoon with a niqab-type mask on his head didn't actually say, "I slash you, facking pussy" when I glanced at him
  • Mon Jun 11 14:13 Extraordinary musical experience yesterday outside (London Borough of Dogs' Homes &) Barking Folk Festival, on Asda Square: Romanian gypsy in rabbit costume dancing to deafening manele (turbofolk) + even more deafening muezzin's cry from building behind
  • Tue Jun 12 06:27 Recognised at least one of these people, but no one seems to be able to put a name to him
  • Tue Jun 12 07:34 Post suspension of article 155, flag's back on the Catalan "embassy" @ 2nd floor of C17th building also containing Prince Henry's Room on Fleet Street Brave choice of tenant by @cityoflondon ?
  • Tue Jun 12 11:33 RT @SimpleLampoon: @91Shahji Slight audio issue, but I’ve fixed it for ya #TrumpKimSummit
  • Tue Jun 12 15:06 I prefer this one to the Angel of the North, which appears to have been modelled on a particularly intransigent cormorant
  • Tue Jun 12 21:31 Gas-main roadworks on Chatsworth Rd certainly foxed some rather young lads in a car pursuing a mopedist, who looked back with cinematic relief
  • Thu Jun 14 07:48 Rise in fitted carpets as cause of the mental health & opioid crises: nowhere left to sweep stuff
  • Thu Jun 14 08:43 Google Translate banned from press conference by dinosaur. G's machine translation & speech synthesis are pretty amazing now
  • Thu Jun 14 17:19 Comment: @Transblawg HRH's rigid cukes are surely well past their sell-by
  • Thu Jun 14 17:20 But how's it pronounced? Soft or hard terminal g?
  • Thu Jun 14 17:33 Weirdest Band with a really good appreciation of Björk
  • Thu Jun 14 17:36 Outraged of Penzance says it's England's Siberia
  • Thu Jun 14 20:30 Comment: @Transblawg I don't think they go to Penzance - no proper airport and to order in the bars you really need a Cornish-speaker these days
  • Thu Jun 14 20:31 Comment: @Transblawg I always wanted to go to his sponsored painting club on the Mall, but couldn't find a Cornish speaker
  • Thu Jun 14 20:51 How am I meant to remember that people use Pythonesque for Monty and the machine language but pythonine for snakes?
  • Fri Jun 15 06:17 Before I forget: yesterday's goose count on the navigable channel of the River Lea from Ferry Lane to Lea Bridge at 17:00: Canada 67, greylag 0, Egyptian 0
  • Fri Jun 15 08:04 Comment: @Transblawg My day off, and here I am reading Functional Morphology of the Tongue in the Domestic Goose
  • Fri Jun 15 09:26 BLOG: Top 10 Russian songs about football: No. 10: Argentina-Yamayka 5-0, by Chayf (1999)
  • Mon Jun 18 07:24 This sounds even more exciting than the holidays of a community of elderly nuns I used to know, who, having moved HQ to Holland to escape from Bismarck, recalled their origins every summer by driving round Bavaria in a charabanc drinking beer.
  • Mon Jun 18 11:32 I will not smile again until the OED confesses that Feringhee and Varangian both come from Frank.
  • Mon Jun 18 13:41 Monkey's into the House of Lord's, but who wants to speak to the organ-grinder?
  • Mon Jun 18 20:41 Beautiful nostalgic image of Chilean organ-grinder & son, a while ago, tweeted by the latter. RIP
  • Tue Jun 19 05:58 I love this
  • Tue Jun 19 06:01 What character would Loftus Cheek be in what kind of novel?
  • Tue Jun 19 13:01 Would stabbing deaths be reduced if kids wore silk?
  • Tue Jun 19 21:32 Hoping to learn that Halkın Yükselişi Partisi's sole campaign pledge is to gift every child a yukselele #TurkeyElections
  • Wed Jun 20 05:50 A streaming curator is a DJ. Relax.
  • Wed Jun 20 06:40 Wait for the icing
  • Wed Jun 20 16:49 BLOG: Two translations of a Setswana train poem. With oral poetry about cattle & other domestic & wild animals, marijuana, bicycles & the 2nd Boer War; with Kipling & other European South African railway poetry; & with Hugh Masekela as uitsmyter.
  • Thu Jun 21 05:27 I know, I shouldn't find this facked-up: "The wildflower meadow supplied by Wildflower Turf"
  • Thu Jun 21 08:04 the Gastromanticke, the Ventriloquist, the Bottle-bellyed Witch
  • Thu Jun 21 19:30 1st para of David Christian's review of William Pokhlyobkin's History of Vodka + a photo of the great man

  • Fri Jun 22 06:13 Peston's not the only one with this problem, which is all down to Deuteronomy 15:6 - thou shalt not borrow
  • Fri Jun 22 07:49 Chronicle of a death foretold - murder & disappearance of Dutch entrepreneur by retarded neighbours in rural Galicia currently going thru the courts
  • Fri Jun 22 07:50 Comment: Geezer interviewed re probs with the neighbours just before the events
  • Fri Jun 22 08:08 Beavertown remix of Led Zep
  • Fri Jun 22 12:20 Most unlike Apple to require an unusual size of an unusual type of screwdriver in order to be able to DIY upgrade a hard disk
  • Fri Jun 22 12:21 Comment: @ibexsalad Guess who's more popular in Tarragona, Felipe or wossisname
  • Fri Jun 22 12:52 Frank Sinatra, eggcorned by a blackbird: Yes your lovely, with your smile so worm

  • Fri Jun 22 12:53 Comment: Guy from Maroon 5 did a nice cover
  • Fri Jun 22 13:25 I'm reminded that yesterday (?) was world selfie day
  • Fri Jun 22 13:25 Comment: Better one here:
  • Fri Jun 22 13:48 Comment: @Transblawg They threw it in with the facelift when I got into Bekonscot
  • Fri Jun 22 14:11 "My three-year-old son just said to me, 'Dad, when I grow up, I want to be like Neymar,' so I've given him up for adoption."
  • Fri Jun 22 14:56 Who'd want to be born in C19th-20th Lviv? Polish Catholic journal 1877: The most dangerous enemies of our Galician people are undoubtedly vodka & Jews... It is impossible to enumerate the moral failures of entire communities ... the sole cause of which is the Galician Jew & vodka
  • Fri Jun 22 14:57 Comment:
  • Sat Jun 23 08:13 Big Nigerian man lying on his back on the street, dried foam on his lips, elbows resting on the ground but both hands raised in the air, as if to embrace someone. Not rigor mortis, but an actual sleeping technique
  • Sat Jun 23 08:46 RIP a most spectacular Canadian Now I hope a materials scientist will explain the flaws
  • Sat Jun 23 10:17 Bacon switch: when they're advertising crackly Danish on the window and you get in and there's only soggy ham
  • Sat Jun 23 10:19 Comment: Eggcorn of my day. Not.
  • Sat Jun 23 13:18 BLOG: Albanian hand salute quiz
  • Sun Jun 24 07:45 I always figured italicisation was to show people which words they'd have to look up in a non-English dictionary, but turns out I'm a racist monster
  • Sun Jun 24 08:03 Two tales of epic Soho Bohemian drunkenness from 30-40 years ago. I believe the establishments in question are now vegan gastro"pubs"
  • Sun Jun 24 08:14 But how did she get her driving licence?
  • Mon Jun 25 08:43 Yesterday in Richmond met the excellent Aziz, who, as he nicks cars in his role as parking enforcement officer, also keeps an eye out for lost-looking outsiders & helps them on their way. Fine ad for the borough @LBRUT
  • Mon Jun 25 15:51 Franchi and Johnsons are rivals. Frank Crumit's 1927 version is even better than Pearl Bailey, Sam Cooke, Jimmie Rodgers...:

  • Mon Jun 25 15:55 Comment: A relative used to sing What Kind Of a Noise Annoys An Oyster The answer is that a noisy noise annoys an oyster
  • Mon Jun 25 15:56 Comment: Frank Crumit has all the best titles: The Pig Got Up And Slowly Walked Away:
  • Mon Jun 25 16:00 Comment: Abdul Abulbul Amir, prototyping Burl Ives:
  • Mon Jun 25 16:09 Frank Crumit's A Tale Of The Ticker traditionally inaugurates recessions
  • Mon Jun 25 16:38 NHS specs
  • Mon Jun 25 17:25 Germans taking liberties in German entries on English-language Wikipedia
  • Wed Jun 27 09:41 Moped crime hits new heights in London. No, wait...
  • Wed Jun 27 13:39 BLOG: Top 10 Russian football songs: No. 9: Okolofutbola by Feduk (2013), hiphop theme of a cinematic tribute to Spartak ultras. Plus: Russian hooliganism’s English roots; Anglicisms in a Russian hooligan lexicon; and first use by a Petersburg Scot.
  • Wed Jun 27 15:51 Ciggies vs veggies. Frabjous day

  • Thu Jun 28 07:28 Oh, but 9/11 was bells - Almanzor in Santiago
  • Thu Jun 28 07:45 Feature
  • Thu Jun 28 07:47 Of organ-grinders and monkeys
  • Thu Jun 28 08:28 Adam Dant (d'Ant?) has Hackney Brook flowing uphill from Mare Street to Homerton High Street
  • Thu Jun 28 09:09 Potemkin villages: Kaliningrad as Königsberg

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