I read all of L’Atlàntida!
Everyone knows Verdaguer was a Spanish nationalist, right?
Great tunes, great doggerel, small simians
Everyone knows Verdaguer was a Spanish nationalist, right?
Of Tate Cabré, ethnicity, creativity, and talking dogs that shit up walls.
This deeply resented peripheralising aphorism was coined not by Alexander Dumas but by Dominique Dufour de Pradt or conceivably the Conde do Funchal.
Serious separatists will drive on the left, in Vic, starting Sunday.
Link love for 05/06/2009.
A British soldier’s hazy recollections of civil war in Portugal.
Anecdotes from the frozen wastes of Spain and Britain, with a brief burst of the usual twaddle.
The Santa Majestat in Caldes de Montbui.