Sábado día 6 no habrá sesión a las 18:00, pero sí entre 11:30 y 13:30 en las plazas de Gracia. La haré con De Potters (literalmente “Los Alfareros”), un coro de un pueblo holandés culturalmente hiperactivo que dirigía hace varios años. El objetivo, sin embargo, es llamar la atención a un evento de Oxfam, y…
It’s difficult to conceive of figures with blue eyes and blond hair populating Gustav de Smeet’s Amsterdam. I think this is actually an Amsterdam as it might have been re-imagined by the considerable numbers of people of Mediterranean descent who live there and in the other great ports along that coast. The Sagrada Familia is…
The Telegraph is publishing ((free) login required) the wartime recollections of WF Deedes, who passed through Hengelo and, one assumes, Oldenzaal on his way to Germany with the King’s Royal Rifle Corps in 1944-5.
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