Ludwig Wittgenstein, Philosophical Investigations (1953): I contemplate a face, and then suddenly notice its likeness to another. I see that it has not changed; and yet I see it differently. I call this experience “noticing an aspect…” And I must distinguish between the ‘continuous seeing’ of an aspect and the ‘dawning’ of an aspect…. I…
When we went down to the beach last Saturday to see how much of it had survived last week’s storms, a little old man was sitting on the wooden decking of the walkway drinking beer. We sat next to him and exchanged pleasantries while he finished one can and opened another. Thus emboldened, our Cordovan…
John Carlin, in a rejig of chunks of a 2002 article in El País, says that Barcelona, not Paris, is now Telegraph readers’ favourite city (where are the stats?). This has taken a while coming – the NYT did a head-to-head a couple of months back – but still: ouch. Here’s a more interesting (Spanish)…
– Don’t marry an Ashanti. – Why not? – They spit in your food. – How do you know? – My cousin married one. – So how do you know? – You know what they’re like. – And now? – My cousin spits in the food of his parents-in-law.
Edward Gibbon va escriure (ca 1775) sobre els exèrcits d’Agricola a Escòcia que Els amos dels climes els més bells i rics del món es van apartar amb menyspreu dels puigs foscs assaltats per la tempestat hivernal, dels llacs coberts d’una boira blava, i dels bruguerars freds i solitaris sobre els quals els cérvols del…