C19th noise pollution

Nightfall in Madrid, which was apparently notorious (Pérez Galdós, Rosalía, ca 1872): In the house a sepulchral silence reigned, but outside the noise was unbearable: carriages came and went without cease; a girl cried the lottery every five minutes, informing the public, “Tomorrow’s the last day to get your tickets. 10 reals for a décimo…

The Sultan’s organ, and other stuff

There’s a good organ miscellania page here. The Sultan and I anecdote was one of the few useful pieces of information I knew as a child. The Spanish connection lies in the Novelda rock organ, of which more here, and the information that “Spanish organs of the 18th century include a number of mischievous sound…

We’ve got a winner!

Sorry to break my normal Dutch–Catalan–English flow, but this is important: we’ve got a winner for the cowbike drawing competition! The winning artist, Jan-Willem de Bruijn (7) from Rotterdam, notes in his entry that “The Netherlands seems to be the country with the highest density of roadsigns in the world. We have signs for everything.…