March tweets
More Czechs, Spike Jones, Brexit, burning Guy, Child Ballads, copyright, Robin Hood’s two pricks, and so on.
Great tunes, great doggerel, small simians
More Czechs, Spike Jones, Brexit, burning Guy, Child Ballads, copyright, Robin Hood’s two pricks, and so on.
Karl Nagl’s claim that, unlike the Germans, Viennese organ-grinders are musicians, because they have “crank-sense.” And female yodelling with Dudlerinnen Trude Mally and Maly Nagl.
How a mass-produced 1960s joke sign for bars and pubs became evidence of historical authenticity before being censured as a hate crime against tinkers and thinkers (or organ-grinders, as we are often known).
More barrel organ news from Hackney. Includes first posts from Top 10 Russian Football Song series.
A populist US senator meets an Italian organ-grinder in Rome in 1859.
Featuring a Spanish view of the Saxons.
Luis Estrada’s new narcoflick, El Infierno, a brilliant narcoart short by Don Bartletti, and a couple of my old photos.
Of Tate Cabré, ethnicity, creativity, and talking dogs that shit up walls.
Trademark theft to liven up the Spanish fruit and veg price-war?
It does have its advantages. Ants are not one of them.